Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wealthy Thoughts

I have no special reason for doing a blog post today.  I just felt like it.  Something about sitting in my office at my desk in front of my computer makes me feel like I should.  (PS - Did you like my use of prepositional phrases in that last sentence?)

Pastor Jamie has been preaching on money the last few weeks, and it's had me reevaluating how I spend and save and give.  I've always counted myself blessed because I have a brilliant mom who taught me how to manage money wisely.  And I've learned a lot about tithing from Chewie (and still have more to learn, might I add).  And Jesus is teaching me more and more about spending, saving, and giving in a way that glorifies him.

This week's sermon was in Proverbs 3:9-10 and specifically on how to handle money wisely.  Pastor J gave us 5 points, which I thought I'd share with you (and I'll tell you why in a minute):

  1. Tithe.
  2. Eat at home.
  3. Get rid of irresponsible credit card spending (and only have one card).
  4. Be frugal.
  5. Recognize the wealth you already have.
While I think all of these are super fantastic points, the one that's been hitting me the hardest is point 5.  I finished a book the other day - Spiritual Rhythms by Mark Buchanan (fantastic book) - and one of the things he talked about is being thankful for what we have.  He said we should make a list of all the "little" things we take for granted in order to be more aware of what the Lord has given us, and then he says we will develop a spirit of thankfulness as we realize how wealthy we really are.  

This is some strong stuff.  I too often forget just how many blessings God has given me.  How about you?  Are there blessings in your life that you take for granted?

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