Friday, January 4, 2019

How to Actually Read the Bible in a Year

Several people have asked me for tips on how to actually finish reading the Bible in a year. Here are my best ones!

Pick a bible version you like.
One thing I’ve found is that if it’s too hard to understand, the more likely I am to check out and/or give up. A couple of simpler versions for reading are NLT and NIV.

Decide if digital or “analog” works better for you.
When I first started out, I decided to go with my hard copy (“analog”) Bible but soon switched to digital because it was just simpler and made it more likely for me to read. There’s no right or wrong option - just do what works for you!

Choose a plan that works for you.
Many many times I tried a plan that was 7 days a week, and many many times I failed to get very far. Mostly because I would have to miss a day or two (or three or four…) and would get so far behind that catching up felt impossible. I suggest a 5 day a week reading plan for some wiggle room and grace. The internet is chock full of different plans, or you can even create your own!

Track it.
It was really helpful for me to track my progress and have a visual of how well I was doing. It also helped me stay organized and not forget where I was in my plan. I used an app to keep up with my plan, but some people use bullet journals or a printed copy with check marks or strikethroughs to track. Again, it’s about whatever works best for you.

Get some accountability.
It’s a lot harder to give up if you have a friend or two encouraging you and lovingly pushing you to keep it up! This also works really well if you’re a competitive person. You can almost make a game of it!

Try to be consistent about when you do your reading.
I find that it’s easier for me to turn off distractions and quiet my soul at night when my children have gone to bed. In general, I try to keep my reading time to about the same time every night so that it’s just a regular part of my routine. It helps to create a habit.

Create small goals for yourself.
The concept of a whole year can be a scary, overwhelming goal. To make it less daunting, take it in smaller bites. Start with just a week-long goal. Then make it two weeks. Or start by trying to get through a month, and then re-start the next month. Before you know it, you’ve gotten through a quarter of the year and then half the year, etc.
Give yourself grace.
Sometimes you’ll fall behind (last year I fell behind by almost a month at one point), and that’s okay. It’s important to remember to give yourself grace when it happens. Just jump back on and work to get caught up. It’s doable, I promise!

Just keep going!
Whatever you do, don’t give up! Show up for yourself and your relationship with God, and keep persevering. Maybe even have a verse that keeps you inspired, like Hebrews 12:1.

I hope you succeed in your goal of reading the Bible in a year! Feel free to comment with any questions!

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