Friday, January 4, 2019

Hello 2019!

Holy friggin’ moly. It has been a WHILE since I updated here. Like yearsssss. If you’ve been a subscriber or follower, a lot has happened. Here’s a quick recap of the last few years:

2015: had a baby girl (LK)!
2016: kept baby girl alive
2017: had a baby boy (LE)!
2018: somehow kept toddler and baby alive and maintained (somewhat) our sanity

So hello to 2019!! A lot of 2018 was spent trying to stay afloat while battling postpartum depression (probably more on that in the future). And I desperately want this year to be more positive and intentional now that I’m coming out of that period.

I know several people who claim a word for their year, and I think that’s something I’d like to hold onto for this year. And the word that keeps persisting in my mind is


I’d like to spend this year working on intentional time with my family. Intentional healthy choices. Intentional ministry with my church. And so many other things.

I also have a few goals that I’ve been praying about and feel like need to be intentionally documented and “spoken” into existence, if you will, to keep me on track. Here’s what I have:

Blog at least once a week. I used to really love blogging but have let it slide so much as motherhood kind of took over for a while. But I want to get back into it as a means of releasing some tension and some self-expression.

Read 30-35 books. I read about 30 in 2018, but several were very small. I’d like to up my game this year! Suggestions welcome.

Lose 15 pounds. Back in July I decided something about my health had to change if I want to be happier and be a better mom and wife. To this point, I’ve lost about 25 lbs (give or take), but I have a little left to lose to be at a comfortable, healthy number.

Journal regularly. Over the last few months I’ve had some really stressful dreams/nightmares that I believe have come about because of some unresolved conflict and emotions. This isn’t stuff I’d really like to blog about because it’s personal. So my goal is to keep a journal to - hopefully - release some of those emotions and stress.

Read the Bible in a year. This is something I finally accomplished in 2018 for the first time, and I want to keep momentum by continuing into this year. After I posted about reaching my goal in 2018, I had an overwhelming response from friends who want to come alongside me THIS year, which is really exciting and encouraging!

That’s about it. I tried to keep it all feasible for my lifestyle and time while also making it challenging. What about you? Do you have any goals for 2019? What are you proud of accomplishing in 2018?

I’m so looking forward to jumping back into this blogging adventure and the exciting things ahead for 2019!

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