Friday, February 22, 2019

Update on 2019 Goals: February

I thought I’d give a quick February update on where I am with my goals for 2019.

So far, I haven’t journaled a single nightmare, mostly because I haven’t had many and partly because I forget them almost as soon as I wake up.

Weight loss is slow but sure. January was tough because we were hit hard with a stomach bug, and I could not exercise for about a week. But as soon as I was feeling able, I jumped back on and have been working out six days a week ever since, which feels great! I’m almost done with week 4 of Cize by Beachbody, and I’ve loved it.

I also saw an endocrinologist near the end of Jan regarding my thyroid. After re-doing some lab work, it looks as though I may no longer be pre-diabetic, which is amazing! Since July I’ve gone from diabetic blood levels to normal!!! Praise Jesus for perseverance and victory! This same doctor also prescribed me a new medication to help with losing weight since I’ve plateaued quite a bit for a while.

My reading goal is probably going to be surpassed at the rate I’m going. As of today, I’ve read 11 books in 2019! My mood has been right for reading - so I’ve devoured everything I can get my hands on.

Even though I haven’t been journaling my dreams, I have been keeping up with my bullet journal. It’s been a super fantastic creative outlet for me, while also keeping me organized and on track with different things in my life!

I’m a few days behind on reading the Bible in a year, but nothing I can’t catch up with. I already have a plan to get back on track.

And I’ve missed two weeks for posting a blog. So I think this week I might try to double up!

All-in-all this year is off to a good start and keeping momentum!

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