Thursday, March 28, 2019

Toddler Resurrection Eggs

Last year for Easter I wanted to give a gift to each family in our church with a small child.  Something to help them share the story of Easter together in a fun and tactile way. 

I'd seen Resurrection Eggs all over Pinterest but couldn't find one that really fit what I wanted.  So I took a couple of different ideas to create something that I liked and made several sets for our families, and I love how it all came together. 

I thought I'd share it this year for those who are interested.

Here's what is in my set:

  1. Heart - On Easter we celebrate God's love for everyone (John 3:16-17).
  2. Bandage - We are a broken world in need of a Savior (Romans 3:23).
  3. Cross - Jesus died on the cross for our sins (John 19:17-18).
  4. Cloth - Jesus was wrapped in cloth and placed in the tomb (John 19:40)
  5. Rock - A stone was placed in front of the tomb (Matthew 27:59-60).
  6. Empty - Jesus' friends came to the tomb and saw the stone had been moved.  The tomb was empty!  (Luke 24:1-3)
I added corresponding number stickers to the eggs to make it a little simpler and printed the list above on cardstock to go along with my egg carton to use as a reference and starting point when using the eggs with children.

The hearts and crosses were small wooden ones bought online (Amazon, I think).  I cut small strips of cloth from a $1 tea towel and bought rocks from Michael's.  I was going to just find some in nature but wanted to make sure I found ones that would actually fit in the eggs and that also wouldn't be too small and pose a choking hazard.  And the bandages were just a plain box of band-aids from the store!

The were received really well by the people in our church, and I hope they bless you, too!

Happy Easter!

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